Friday was a free day and Rommy and Marta were able to spend some time with Tatiana, the chaperone for the Charlotte group. She even prepared a wonderful New Year's Feast for them. Now, Rommy was able to try all the delicious foods that Marta got to have last year! (Rommy even ate the caviar...shocking!) They were also able to talk with Ihor at this time with Tatiana to interpret. They found out that he is very unhappy at school and doesn't have any friends. They addressed the discipline problems and were able to get through to Ihor and help him understand what he was doing, while constantly reminding him how much they loved and cared for him.
Through talking with Tatiana and other leaders on the trip, Rommy and Marta have decided to meet with the school director tomorrow (Monday) about the possibility of studying in America. They believe that this might be possible and would be an option for Ihor to keep him from continuing down the path that he may be on (as two students from his school have already gone to jail this year). They have asked us all to pray specifically that they would be able to get through to the director and that he would have an open heart and mind to their request. Also pray for Ihor during this time, that he will understand the consequences of his actions and try his best. I know that with God, all things are possible. Pray that God's will would be done in this situation and that Rommy and Marta will also seek his will for them and for precious Ihor.
Then, on Saturday, they made their trip to the Ryasno Orphange. This is the home for children with dissabilities. There were about 20 children at Ryasno when they came who did not have any family to stay with over Christmas holiday. Rommy and Marta remarked on how pitiful some of the children were. However, through the blessings of God and the generous support of the group, over $1600 was raised for the Orphange. Praise the Lord!
So, in closing, Rommy and Marta continue to seek God's will while in Belarus and minister to the hearts of the people there. Things are going well in the Atroshkin home and Rommy has even become popular among the family! Even Lisa is enjoying his company!
And again, please pray Monday as Rommy and Marta talk to the school director.
-More updates to come-
With Love,
I have been praying. I was awaken one night to pray for you and rommy but I did not know what the needs were.
We will pray monday for the meeting with the director. We prayed for it in flc today.
If you need anything, have zach to contact me. Love you my dear sister in Christ, susan
Hi Rommy and Marta. I have been praying like crazy. I pray the director will apply for the visa and Ihor will be allowed to come here with his family. The love of a family can make all the difference.
I can just see God at work in your trip. I thank God for your servant hearts!
Jennifer and Greg
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