Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Not Because of Us..

but because of God's great mercy. Just as Daniel prayed we are asking God to Listen, to Forgive, to Hear and to Act because of Who He is-His Righteousness. We are in a spiritual battle for this student visa for our Belarussian son, Ihar. The letters have been translated and mailed today. Now it is out of our hands and into God's hands. We pray believing God will answer. And if the answer is "no", I trust that He knows the big picture and I only see in part. I trust Him to answer according to His perfect will for Ihar and for us. You see, I love God so much and I know His way is best.....He loves Ihar with an everlasting love and He is pursuing Ihar and I know someday, Ihar will see that and put his faith and trust in Him....Thank you for praying for these letters. May the men who read them be moved to action. Thank you......

Thursday, February 4, 2010

To God and God Alone........

The steps are in motion. We have written two of the most important letters we have every tried to write. One to the director of Ihar's school and the other to the Minster of Education in Belarus. They are being reviewed and prayed over as I write this. Next step is to have them translated into Russian. And then the scary part, mailing them. Scary because if our requests are denied, that's it. There are no more chances for now. Please join us in prayer, that God would move the hearts of these men; that He would move mountains and work out all the details for Ihar coming to America on a student visa. And most of all, that Ihar would see God's hand in all of this and he would invite Him into his heart. You see, Ihar has not accepted Christ as His savior....and I know this is God's will...What we are seeking to do may be called blind faith. For you see we have nothing to rely upon but God Himself.
Ihar's Orphanage

2 Peter 3:9 "The Lord is not slow in keeping his promises, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."