at a Russian Orthodox Church
Here's a link to my web album. Just click it on to view my pictures. I Love you all...thanks for praying for me! Marta
Some of my favorite memories while I was in Belarus:
- Seeing Ihar the first full day I was there. He was waiting for me by the front door of the orphanage. He threw himself into my arms.....for a giant hug!
-The times Ihar told me how much he loved me....over and over again!
-Watching God work in the arrangements with the Orphanage Director in getting Ihar everyday till 8:00 pm.
-Worshipping God in the two churches that profess His Holy Name. And hearing praises flow from the Belarussians singing. And sitting in these churches knowing that Ihar was hearing about our God in his own language
-Praying mornings and evenings with my host family. And being able to share my testimony with them.
-Visiting the orphanages and seeing the precious children God has not forgotten. Also when Adam played the piano and sang with an orphan "How Great Is Our God" in Russian at Cherikvo Shelter.
-Taking Ihar to the pizza place. Waching him enjoy pizza, coca-cola, and ice cream!
Some of my least favorite moments!:
-Learning my family has a pet. A "house mouse" named "Sima". Sima is actually a RAT and not a mouse. He lives in a small cage right next to the kitchen sink. These are my least favorite animals so anyone who knows me it was God's grace that helped me endure!
-Watching my family wash dishes with water and a rag, no dish detergent used. Knowing I would be eating off of those dishes again. And 4 of the children were sick with a stomach virus and high fevers.
-Being in the bathroom knowing the door would open on me at any moment!
-Night times after I had to return Ihar to his orphanage. I cried all the way back to my host family home every night.
-Having to say "Good-Bye" to Ihar and not knowing if I will get to see him this summer. (At this time the Goverenments of USA and Belarus do not have an agreement signed for the orphans to return. And Ihar is a orphan)